China, however, has always followed the guiding principle of good-neighborliness and friendship. It has never waged a war of aggression, annexed territory of other countries, or sought expansion abroad. 而在同时,中国一直坚守睦邻友好方针,从未发动过侵略战争,从未并吞他国领土,从未搞过海外扩张。
Japan's act to include Diaoyu Dao as terra nullius into its territory based on the occupation principle is in fact an illegal act of occupying Chinese territory and has no legal effect according to international law. 日本所谓依据先占原则将钓鱼岛作为无主地编入其版图,是侵占中国领土的非法行为,不具有国际法效力。
In principle the RBA could change its inflation target, ignoring prices in the mining state of Western Australia and perhaps the Northern Territory. 原则上,澳大利亚储备银行可以改变其通胀目标,忽视矿业发达的西澳大利亚州(或许还包括北地)的价格。
At the same time, in the bargain, Chiang Kai-shek, to some extent, held the principle of territory and sovereignty, thus, expressed some national consciousness. 同时,在交涉中,蒋介石把握了一定的领土与主权的外交原则,表现出了一定的民族意识。
At the end, the author points out that the design principle of residential cluster and its image must be followed in making of living territory which stimulates aspiration to ore ate space for participation, activity, and rest. 生活空间领域的设计以组团整体形象和意向为原则,容纳居民各种生活活动,激发其活动愿望,创造居民积极参与的活动和休息场所。
And the comprehensive analysis and conclusion are the foundation of production of principle of theory of territory as well. 而文献学、考古学的综合分析归纳又是中国历史疆域理论原则产生的基础。
As to transnational bankruptcy, the key problem argued among the global circles of laws can be summed up to the acceptation or rejection and utilization of the Principle of Territory and the Principle of Universalism. 跨国破产问题在国际法律界所争论问题的核心归结为对属地主义原则和普及主义原则的取舍及运用。
No-harm principle is based on the theory of restricted territory sovereignty. The harm means not only the harm to water quality, but also depriving each watercourse state of utilizing water quantity. 无害原则以有限领土主权理论为基础,无害原则中的损害既指对水质的损害,也指对现行和潜在用水国用水量的剥夺。
When people create new words, for simple and easy to remember, and take into account the principle of economy of language, they often use the words they familiar to define the new things, to finish the mapping from the kowned area to the uncharted territory. 人们在创造新词时,为了简单易记,并且考虑到语言的经济性原则,往往用自己熟悉的领域的词去指称自己不熟悉的领域,完成从已经领域到未知领域的映射。